What’s it REALLY like to search for a senior marketing role in B2B tech today?
After leaving her company and looking for a job during the second half of 2024, Lisa Vecchio shares her story and insights on searching for a senior B2B marketing role in tech.
Learn why authentic leadership is the key for B2B tech marketing leaders, in our podcast with Purvey Purewal, ex-CMO and executive coach.
Do you want to advance your marketing career? Ex marketer (Google, Microsoft) turned career coach Maya Grossman gives us her tips.
Want to develop a marketing career in B2B Tech working across various disciplines? Laura Hauser, VP Marketing at Griffin tells all.
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Exploring the role of a Chief Marketing Officer with Kate Owen, CMO at UPP, on the Market Mentors podcast.
Mark Larwood, Head of Marketing Communications at Virgin Media O2, talks in detail about the career options available to B2B marketers today.